The rock -cut architecture represents one of the most important source of our knowledge of early Indian art and history.Discuss .(upsc 2020 question)

The following question was asked in upsc 2020 G.S paper-1 :- The rock-cut architecture represents one of the most important source of our knowledge of early Indian art and history. Discuss. Answer :- The practice of creating q structure by craving it out of a natural rock is Known as Rock - cut architecture. In this, the unwanted rock material is removed out of structure to give it a desired shape. Source of knowledge of early Indian art ---->> Prehistoric Rock Art :- The walls of many caves of this time of finally carved and painted pictures of animals which the cave - dwellers haunted. E.g. Bhimbetka caves. --->> Mauryan Phase :- During the Mauryan Phase, the rock cut caves were used as Viharas which are residential quarters for the Jaina and Buddhist Monks .Rock cut pillars depicts prevalence of high degree of skill in form of Lion , Elephant figures . Sculptures of this period shows the figures of Yaksha and Ya...