Account for the huge flooding of million cities in India including the smart ones like Hyderabad and Pune .Suggest lasting remedial measures.( answer in 250 words )

"Account for the huge flooding of million cities in India including the smart ones like Hyderabad and Pune .Suggest lasting remedial measures.( answer in 250 words )" This above question was asked in UPSC Mains 2020 in G.S paper -1 . Answer :- Floods can be defined as ' the submergence of a usually dry area by a large amount of water that comes from sudden excessive rainfall , an overflowing river or lake , melting snow or an exceptionally high tide '. There has been an increasing trend of urban flood disasters in India over the past several year whereby major cities in India have been severely affected. The most notable amongst them are Mumbai in 2005 ,surat in 2006 , Kolkata in 2007 , jamshedpur in 2008, Delhi in 2009 and Guwahati and Delhi in 2010. The most devastating ones were Srinagar in 2014 and Chennai in 2015 , Patna and Hyderabad in 2019. CAUSES OF URBAN FLOODING :- 1.) Lack of Drainage :- ...