upsc 1999 mains ques :- What is dry farming? Discuss its relevance in augmenting the food supply in India.
This question was asked in Upsc Exam of 1999 .This question is from G.S paper -1 .
Dry farming or dryland farming may be defined as a practice of growing crops without irrigation in areas which receive an annual rainfall of 750-500mm or even less .It is an agriculture without irrigation in regions of scanty precipitation mainly arid , semi-arid and sub - humid areas .
Dryland areas may be characterized by the following features :-
.1) uncertain , limited and ill - distributed rainfall, agriculture still remains a gamble of mansoon .
2.) Occurance of extensive climatic hazards like draught, flood etc.
3.) Practice of extensive agriculture i.e prevalence of monocropping ,etc.
4.) Very low crop diversification.
5.) Very low crop yield.
6.) Poor socio - economic conditions of farmers.
Rainfed dryland areas contribute to a major part of coarse grains production, more than 80% of the oilseeds and pulses grown in our dryland and it forms more than 40% of our total agriculture production. Dryland account for about 60% of our total cropped area . Yields continue to be low in the dryland areas and these must be increased not only to enhance agricultural production but also for the benefit of the large number of farmers dependent on rainfed agriculture.
Hence , there is a need to increase productivity in rainfed areas to ensure food and nutritional security of the country.
India's first Green Revolution was sparked by cutting edge scientific innovations developed and adapted through the partnership of the Government of India with the international agricultural research community but it remained limited to irrigated region of the country. The second Green Revolution requires the same , except that the locus should be in rainfed areas which were bypassed by the first, with watershed management as an entry point.
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