UPSC CSE 1997 :- Explain the causes of Indian Monsoon.Or, Discuss the origin of Monsoon in India .
This question was asked in Upsc cse 1997 and is part of G.S paper :-1
Monsoon is traditionally defined as a seasonal reversal of wind accompanied by corresponding changes in precipitation. Monsoon being a complex climatological phenomenon, various theories and concepts have been put forward to explain its origin.
Indian monsoon is largely controlled by the following factors :-
1.) The differential heating of the landmass of Asia and the Indian Ocean.
2.) The existence of the Himalayan ranges and the Tibetan plateau.
3.) By mid July ITCZ ( Inter- tropical Convergence Zone ) shifts nothwards , which is a low pressure belt and westerly jet stream withdrawn from Indian region. ITCZ being a low pressure zone , attracts monsoon winds ( south -east trade winds).
4.) The existence and circulation of upper air jet streams ( Easterly Jet stream) in the troposphere . The origin of Indian monsoon has traditionally been ascribed to the differential heating and cooling of the continent of Asia and the Indian Ocean, and monsoon were considered large scale land and sea breezes . This simplistic model fails to explain many of the complex issues associated with monsoon.
According to recent dynamic theories, the monsoon is a highly complex phenomenon that happens due to seasonal migration of planatery winds and pressure belts following the sun and is closely influenced by the middle and upper tropospheric circulation. The occurrence and changing Position of Jet stream influence the origin and development of the monsoon.The presence of Himalayan ranges and Tibetan plateau also have a close bearing on the origin of Monsoon.The jet streams that lie about 12 Km in the troposphere are bifurcated by the Himalayan mountains and the Tibetan plateau. Moreover other global climatic phenomenon like El Nino and La Nina also affect rainfall pattern in monsoon.
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