UPSC MAINS 2018 QUES :- Defining blue revolution, explain the problems and strategies for pisciculture development in India .(250 words)

This question was asked in 2018 UPSC MAINS . This question is from G.S- paper -1 .


The term " blue revolution" refers to the remarkable emergence of aquaculture as an important and highly productive agricultural activity.Blue revolution, the Neel kranti Mission  has the vision to achieve economic prosperity of the country and fishers and fish farmers as well as contribute towards food and nutritional security through full potential utilisation of water resources for fisheries development in a sustainable manner , keeping in view the bio - security and environmental concerns.

Blue revolution in India :- 

The Blue revolution has the vision to achieve economic prosperity of the country and fishers and fish farmers as well as contribute towards food and nutritional security through full potential utilisation of water resources.

The objectives of Blue revolution are as follows:- 
.1) To full top the total fish potential of the country both in inland and marine and triple the production 
2.) To transform the fisheries sector as modern industries with special focus as new Pechnologies.

3.) To double the income of fish farmers with special focus on increasing productivity.

Problems of pisciculture development in India:- 

Problems of Ocean fish farming:- 

The cost of inputs per unit of fish weight is higher than in extensive farming, especially because of the high cost of fish feed . Netting involves regular and labour intensive cleaning. In ocean farming, the transfer of disease organisms from the wild fish to aquaculture fish is an ever present risk .The very large number of fish kept long term in a single location contributes to habitat destruction of the nearby areas.

Factory Fish farming which is known as aquaculture is generally big, dirty and dangerous,just like factory farming on land . Factory Fish farmers may interfere with the livelihoods of commercial and recreational fishermen by displacing them from traditional fishing grounds or harming wild fish populations.

Problems of inland fish farming:-

Social problems:- 
Norms and religious values excluded women or other groups from participation in certain activities.Lack of family encouragement considering lower prestigious occupation.

Inadequate Family labour :- 
Multiple use of pond water especially domestic purposes restrict the commercial fish farming. Multiple ownership of land is the cause of dispute and opinion diversification.

Economical problems:- 
High costs of cultural inputs especially fish feed , lack of financial assistance, adequate loan frim financial agencies,lack of remunerative price for the commodity, fluctuating fish prices in market , small size of ponds ( majority of farmers are small and marginal farmers), lack of regulated market facilities,too much competition in fisheries business.

Technological problems :- 
Lack of value addition for enhancing profit margin . The market for processed fish is limited in the domestic market and is restricted to fish pickles, papads cutlet and the like .

Fish production technology is a complex technology. Lack of timely availability of inputs nearby, lack of quality feed in local market, lack of location specific improved technology, inadequate knowledge and skill about scientific fish farm management.

Strategies for Pisciculture development in India :- 

.1) Growth of aquaculture sector, particularly brackish aquaculture, is mainly export driven. Thus to sustain the momentum of growth, issues concerning ecological and economics sustainability of brackish aquaculture and its comparative advantage need to be studied on a multidisciplinary and regional framework.

2.) Brackish aquaculture should be encouraged only in the areas suitable for the purpose. These should be identified and delineated with the remote sensing and GIS technique to minimise problem of ecological pollution and social conflict.

3.) Develop adequate legal and institutional measures to regulate the aquaculture activity in the ecologically fragile zones. These should be implemented and enforced by local authorities.

4.) Enforce quarantine measure on fish seed and feed to ensure that the imported material is neither infected nor unwanted.

5.) Financial institutions should be strengthened the flow of credit to aquaculture sector but with due consideration to ecology and regulatory framework governing this sector.

6.) For proper planning of freshwater as well as brackishwater aquaculture, there is a need to strengthen the current database, which is neither adequate nor easily amendable to proper empirical policy analysis.


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