UPSC topic : Land degredation and desertification in India
๐Land degradation and Desertification in India
◾️Land degradation is decline in productivity of land in terms of biodiversity and economy, resulting from various causes including natural processes, climate, and human dominance, leading to loss of ecosystem.
▪️The term desertification is subset of land degradation and referred as land degradation occurring in dryland regions (arid, semi-arid and dry sub-humid regions).
▪️Around 69% of India falls under drylands.
◾️ Around 98 million hectares (30%) of India’s total geographical area (TGA) of 328.7 mha underwent land
degradation during 2018-19.
▪️ Around 23.79% (2018-19) of the area undergoing desertification/land degradation with respect to TGA of the country is contributed by Rajasthan, Maharashtra, Gujarat, Karnataka, Ladakh UT, Jharkhand, Odisha, Madhya Pradesh, and Telangana (in descending order).
▪️All other remaining states are contributing less than 1%
(individually) with respect to country TGA.
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