
Showing posts from April, 2023


In the medieval world, the " Theory of Two Swords " was prevalent. It can be understood as a particular doctrine of " the sacred authority of the priesthood and the royal power " . But a group of intellectuals with an awakened mind opposed this reality. With their rational mindset they brought the reality of a world that was free of orthodoxy . Thus , the result was a modern Europe , that became precursor to today's modern world.                     Real is rational and rational is real is a famous quote given by the great philosopher Hegel. But this quote carries immense significance in our everyday life . If we delve deeper into the quote , we have to explore the meaning of what is real . Then we will explore what is the meaning of being rational. Subsequently, we will try to establish the relation between reality and rationality and how both the ideas supplement and complement each other.  Reality Vs Rationality ...

Philosoopohy of wantlessness is Utooopian , while materialism is a chimera

 Siddhartha left home on his own leaving his family in despair. Deep in the wilderness , he abandoned his horse and cropped his hairs. He became a religious wanderer and sought out the company of  others doing the same. After years of austerity, penance and meditation, he came to conclusion that wantlessness is selfness action which could be achieved without having desires.This man named Siddhartha later came to be known as Great Gautam Buddha and was a believer of life without desires. Buddha identified birth, aging, sickness, death, encountering the unpleasent, separation from the pleasant , and not gaining what one desires as forms of suffering . For him , the origin or cause of suffering is associated with craving or attachment . It is the cessation of suffering that leads one to salvation.     Wantlessness VS Materialism          The state of wantlessness is one in which there is no pain and consequently no possibility of get...

'latecomer' Industrial Revolution inJapan involved certain factors that were markedly different from what West had experienced. Analyse. [cse -2013 ]

Japan for a long time had lived in a self-imposed isolation. At the end of the 19th century, it experienced rapid industrialisation which was different from that was experienced by European nations. While industrialisation in the West took place gradually , extended over a hundred years, in Japan it took place rapidly over a period of few decades.                           The Government in Japan played a major role in promoting industrialisation as opposed to the West . It funded the modernisation of docks and iron facilities. It promoted the spread of education,also hired foreign experts to show workers and managers how to modernise. Industrialisation in Japn was seen as an answer to Japan's problems with the outside nations. Japan did not want to have  foreign domination like in China.               The reforms in Japan were also forced by outsiders unlike in the ...


■ ADVOCATE GENERAL OF STATE #Advocategeneral □ APPOINTMENT AND TERM ◇ The advocate general is appointed by the governor. He must be a person who is qualified to be appointed a judge of a high court. ◇ In other words, he must be a citizen of India and must have held a judicial office for ten years or been an advocate of a high court for ten years.   ◇ The term of office of the advocate general is not fixed by the Constitution. Further, the Constitution does not contain the procedure and grounds for his removal.  ◇ He holds office during the pleasure of the governor. This means that he may be removed by the governor at any time. He may also quit his office by submitting his resignation to the governor. Conventionally, he resigns when the government (council of ministers) resigns or is replaced, as he is appointed on its advice. ◇ The remuneration of the advocate general is not fixed by the Constitution. He receives such remuneration as the governor may determine. ■ D...


■ ATTORNEY GENERAL □ APPOINTMENT AND TERM ◇ The Attorney General (AG) is appointed by the president. ◇ He must be a person who is qualified to be appointed a judge of the Supreme Court. In other words, he must be a citizen of India and he must have been a judge of some high court for five years or an advocate of some high court for ten years or an eminent jurist, in the opinion of the president. ◇ The term of office of the AG is not fixed by the Constitution. ◇ The Constitution does not contain the procedure and grounds for his removal. He holds office during the pleasure of the president. This means that he may be removed by the president at any time. He may also quit his office by submitting his resignation to the president. ◇ Conventionally, he resigns when the government (council of ministers) resigns or is replaced, as he is appointed on its advice. ◇ Remuneration of AG is not fixed by the Constitution. He receives such remuneration as the president may determine. ■ D...

Outline the main targets fixed in the National Population Policy,2000. W#Hat have been the follow up measures to this policy? ----> { cse 2002 }

The immediate objective of the National Population Policy [NPP] 2000 is to address the unmet needs for contraception , healthcare infrastructure and health personnel, and to provide integrated service delivery for basic reproductive and chhild healthcare.                       The medium- term objective is to bring th TFR  to replacement levels by 2010, through vigorous implementation of inter - sectrol operational strategies . The long term objective is to achieve a stable population by 2045 , at a level consistent with requirements of sustainable economic growth , social development and environmental protection.                                          In pursuance of these objectives, the following National Socio- Demographic Goals are formulated to be  achieved in each case by 2010 --> Address th...

Discuss the steps taken by government tocheck child labour and promote child welfare.---> [cse 2003 ]

Child labour is one of the serious hurdles in the path of human development in India. Adverse effects of child labour have been accepted by the world and internationally , steps are being taken to  check it. Indian Government has also taken some positive steps in this direction . Ever since independence, the Government of India has taken several measures to eradicate the menace of child labour. There have been specific legislations aimed at curbing the problems, and punishing the offenders. Also , several social programs for the rehabilitation for children who are rescued from child labour , are run at central and state level. In recent years, there has been a major emphasis on providing basic education for all children , which is a long - term answer to this social menace.                      In 1988, the Government of India launched the National Child Labour Project [ NCLP ] . Initially the scheme was implented i...

UPSC MAINS :- "The reservation of seats for women in the institutions of local self-government has had a limited impact onthe patriarchal character of the Indian Political process." Comment. (250 words)

ANSWER :- One third reservation foe women in both rural and urban local bodies were provided by the 73rd and 74th Constitutional amendment. Further not less than one-third of the total no. of offices of chairpersons inthe panchayats at each level shall be reserved for women . Representation of women at local government levels varies froom state to state. However , there are 13.72 lakhs elected women representatives (EWRs) in PRIs (Panchayati Raj Institutions) which constitute 44.2 percent of total elected representatives (ERs) as on December 2017.     This reservation has benifitted women as it has enhanced respect for women, reduced prejudice against female leaders , improved their quality of life, allowed women to participate in decision making process , made women as agents of social revolution and raised confidence of women.   The reservation has little impact on patriarchial character which is highlighted by : (1) Elected women representatives work as a d...

प्लेबॉय मैगजीन के कवर पर फ्रांस की मंत्री, बवाल मचने पर कही ये बात

प्लेबॉय मैगजीन के कवर पर फ्रांस की मंत्री, बवाल मचने पर कही ये बात पेरिस 03 अप्रैल। फ्रांस की मंत्री मार्लिन शियप्पा (Marlene Schiappa) की एक तस्वीर ने दुनियाभर में खलबली मचा दी है. उनकी यह तस्वीर प्लेबॉय (Playboy) मैगजीन के कवर पेज पर प्रकाशित हुई है.  इस तस्वीर पर हंगामा इस कदर बरपा हुआ है कि खुद फ्रांस की प्रधानमंत्री एलिजाबेथ बॉर्न को आगे आकर इसकी आलोचना करनी पड़ी है. खुद को सेपियोसेक्शुअल (Sapiosexual) बताने वाली फ्रांस कैबिनेट में सोशल इकोनॉमिक एंड फ्रेंच एसोसिएशन मामलों की मंत्री मार्लिन ने मैगजीन को 12 पेज का इंटरव्यू भी दिया है, जिसमें उन्होंने अबॉर्शन, महिला अधिकार और एलजीबीटी अधिकारों जैसे विषयों पर बात की है. मार्लिन ऐसी पहली महिला नेता हैं, जो प्लेबॉय के कवर पेज पर नजर आई हैं. मार्लिन की यह तस्वीर प्लेबॉय मैगजीन के फ्रांस एडिशन में प्रकाशित होगी. फ्रांस कैबिनेट क्यों कर रही है विरोध? फ्रांस में इस समय रिटायरमेंट की उम्र बढ़ाने को लेकर प्रदर्शन हो रहे हैं. ऐसे में कैबिनेट से जुड़े कुछ लोगों का मानना है कि ऐसी स्थिति में मार्लिन का प्लेबॉय के कवर पेज पर आना स...

Your perception of me is a reflection of you ; my reaction to you is an awareness of me

Indian culture is a culmination of devotion ,discipline , and respect . If we put this with an example it would be easy to understand . Indian female almost constitute half of the population. Despite the fact , rules and customs of Indian culture is most strictly to be followed by females.A few years back one of my married friends caught her spouse in an extra marital affair . But as usual being an Indian religious girl she had to carry forward her relationship with dignity and respect . Later ,she was selected as a senior teacher at a co-education school in her area.                          Now as a teacher , irrespective of gender , she must maintain harmonious relations with her colleagues . But this thing pinched to her husband , and he started forcing her to quit her job.This reflects that the perception of her husband was based on his orthodox thnking and male dominated stuffs . Thorugh previously she faced grave is...