
Showing posts from May, 2023

Hands that rocks the cradle, rules the world

In 19th century Bengal , a man stood up against the horrendous condition of widows. Not only did he understand their plight but also fought for their rights. The result waaas the passing of the Widow Remarriage Act, 1956. The man was none other than Ishwar Chandra Vidyasager. Once the stalwart was asked what made him feel the pain of women so deeply . The answer was, the teachings of his mother . From a very tender age, the compassionate attitude of his mother towards fellow women was ingrained in him . This attitude later developed as a virtue which made him rule the world. But acyually, it was his mother's hand which indirectly ruled the world. Let us look into the other side of the spectrum . Known as the leader of the notorious cult, Charles Mason murdered Sharon Tate and many others in 1969 . Charles Mason had a tumultuous relationship with his own mother. Mason's mother, Kathleen Madoxx, a 16 - year old teenager , had repeatedly tried to get rid of her child . On one inst...

Bring out the special economic zone and its pros and cons.

Special Economic Zone (SEZ) is a specifically delineated duty free enclave that is treated as a foreign territory for the purposes of trade operations . It is exempt from income tax , sales tax, service tax and there is no examination of export/import cargo by customs.  Pros of Special Economic Zone are :-  * Boost economic growth.  * Employment generation . * Rise in exports.  * Attract foreign investors.  * Make Indian and foreign firms more competitive . * Attract global technology and manufacturing skills .  Cons of Special Economic Zone are:-  * Loss in revenue due to special incetives offered. * May result in land scams . * Too may small SEZs , even China has few large SEZs. * May force non-SEZs units to shift to SEZs.  * Create powerful and regional private monopolies. * Shift focus on exports from serving the local markets.

Examine the policy of Subordinate Union towards Princely States. Account for the shift from the policy of Subordinate isolation.

The revolt of 1857 opened the eyes of the Brithsh Government . The princely states cooperated fully with the government in the suppression of the rebels . Hence, the Queen's proclamation of 1858 abandoned the policy of annexation . However, this never meant an enhanced status for them . The Brithsh Government continued to treat them as the feudatories and the vassals of the British crown .                                           The crown, continued to regulate the internal affairs of the princely states. It declared war, concluded peace or neutrality on the behalf of the Indian states. Hence, the idea was to punish or depose but not to annex them . From 1905 onwards, the mobilisation of the masses and the growth of the political unrest was another factor which made the British Government accomodate the princely states.             ...