Bring out the special economic zone and its pros and cons.
Special Economic Zone (SEZ) is a specifically delineated duty free enclave that is treated as a foreign territory for the purposes of trade operations . It is exempt from income tax , sales tax, service tax and there is no examination of export/import cargo by customs.
Pros of Special Economic Zone are :-
* Boost economic growth.
* Employment generation .
* Rise in exports.
* Attract foreign investors.
* Make Indian and foreign firms more competitive .
* Attract global technology and manufacturing skills .
Cons of Special Economic Zone are:-
* Loss in revenue due to special incetives offered.
* May result in land scams .
* Too may small SEZs , even China has few large SEZs.
* May force non-SEZs units to shift to SEZs.
* Create powerful and regional private monopolies.
* Shift focus on exports from serving the local markets.
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