UPSC CSE 1997 :- Explain the causes of Indian Monsoon.Or, Discuss the origin of Monsoon in India .

This question was asked in Upsc cse 1997 and is part of G.S paper :-1 Answer:- Monsoon is traditionally defined as a seasonal reversal of wind accompanied by corresponding changes in precipitation. Monsoon being a complex climatological phenomenon, various theories and concepts have been put forward to explain its origin. Indian monsoon is largely controlled by the following factors :- 1.) The differential heating of the landmass of Asia and the Indian Ocean. 2.) The existence of the Himalayan ranges and the Tibetan plateau. 3.) By mid July ITCZ ( Inter- tropical Convergence Zone ) shifts nothwards , which is a low pressure belt and westerly jet stream withdrawn from Indian region. ITCZ being a low pressure zone , attracts monsoon winds ( south -east trade winds). 4.) The existence and circulation of upper air jet streams ( Easterly Jet stream) in the troposphere . The origin of Indian monsoon has traditionally been ascribed to the differential heating and ...